
May 1, 2024

Choosing the Right CLM for GovCon: More Than Checking Boxes

Posted by Unison

Selecting a Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) system is like choosing a new member for your team. It’s not just about filling a seat; it’s about finding a player who understands the unique playbook of GovCon—from clauses to complex subcontractor agreements.

In a game where precision and compliance are paramount, the right CLM system doesn’t just fit in—it transforms the playing field.

Don't Just Manage Contracts, Master Collaboration

A robust CLM system harmonizes the efforts of multiple departments within a company. From Contracts to Compliance, Finance to Business Development, every team interacts with the CLM. An effective system ensures that all these interactions aren’t just touchpoints but collaborations that drive smarter, faster decision-making across departments. This is critical in a field where everyone needs to be on the same page, or else risk falling out of compliance and into chaos.

Four Key Factors in CLM Selection

When it comes to ensuring the best CLM is selected, there are four non-negotiables every GovCon should consider:

  • Ease of Use: The best tool in the world won't help if no one can figure out how to use it. User-friendliness is paramount, ensuring that the learning curve isn't a barrier to adoption.
  • Rapid Deployment: Government contracts wait for no one. A CLM system that can be deployed quickly is crucial, especially when you're already racing against deadlines.
  • Minimal Customization: While some tailoring is inevitable, a CLM that requires extensive custom coding right out of the gate might as well be a bespoke suit: too expensive and time-consuming for what you need.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: The only constant in government contracting is change. Your CLM must keep up and stay ahead, accommodating change through mergers, acquisitions, and evolving regulations without skipping a beat.

Top Questions for Vetting Vendors

Not all CLM systems are created equal, especially when considering the nuanced demands of government contracting. Here’s a cheat sheet of questions to fire at your potential CLM providers:

  • GovCon Focus: Does the system seamlessly handle various contract types and manage FAR/DFARS clauses effectively? Was the CLM purpose-built or repurposed for GovCon?
  • Data Management: How does the system track and integrate CLINs, SLINs, and ACRNs? Can it manage multiple funding sources and track deliveries accurately?
  • Integration Flexibility: Is the system dependent upon other platforms like a CRM?
  • Reporting and Compliance: Is generating real-time, DCAA-compliant contract briefs a hassle, or is it as simple as clicking a button? Are reporting and dashboard tools built into the software?
  • Approval Workflows: How robust are the approval routing and escalation features? Can they adapt to various scenarios based on contract value or risk?

Learning from Others' Mistakes

The industry is littered with tales of GovCons who chose poorly—spending fortunes on customizing platforms that never quite fit or struggling with systems that couldn't scale. These stories aren't just cautionary tales—they're blueprints of what not to do.

Finding a Tailored Fit

Selecting a CLM isn't just a procurement decision; it's a strategic one. It’s about choosing a partner that empathizes with government contractors' challenges and offers solutions to greater efficiency and compliance. Unison CLM is a purpose-built, platform-agnostic system built by GovCon for GovCon. Unison CLM is a robust, cradle-to-grave tool for government contractors that transforms contract complexities into strategic advantages, optimizing workflows and amplifying impact across your entire team.

Learn More about Streamlining Government Work.

Program Management
Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting
Virtual Acquisition Office
Cost Engineering
Acquisition Support
Contract Lifecycle Management