
Oct 16, 2024

The Cons of Low-Code Software

Posted by Unison

When the Magic Fades: The Risks of Low-Code for Federal Agencies

Low-code platforms are marketed as the silver bullet in software development for federal agencies—empowering them to move faster, reduce costs, and deliver applications without the headaches of traditional coding. They promise to solve all your development needs with the push of a button and a drag of the mouse. But, beyond the thousands of articles and the spotlight in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant, low-code platforms present significant challenges for federal agencies with stringent security, compliance, and operational demands.

Let’s take a closer look behind the curtain of low-code platforms.

Customization Constrained: The Magic Hits Its Limits

Low-code platforms tout their speed, agility, and ease of use. You can create applications in days instead of months, or so the story goes. But what’s often not understood is the trade-off that comes with this speed. Customization—a common requirement to meet the unique needs of federal systems —is severely limited. The drag-and-drop interface, perfect for quickly building basic applications, begins to feel like handcuffs when agencies need something more tailored.

Low-code platforms do have a place in software development. They’re best suited for building simple, non-critical applications that don’t require deep customization or high levels of scalability. These platforms can effectively create prototypes or lightweight apps where long-term maintenance and complex integrations aren’t a priority. However, for applications in a federal environment, particular care must be taken to ensure both accessibility and security are adequately addressed.

Even with a low-code platform, you must follow an entire software development lifecycle (SDLC). Defining what you are building, determining how to test it, creating the right user interface, and accounting for security are crucial steps that cannot be skipped. Skipping these steps in favor of speed compromises the durability of your solution. Without a proper SDLC, applications won't hold up over time. And if you do take the time to complete a full SDLC, it may ultimately take just as much time and money as building a fully custom solution, undermining the supposed speed advantage of low-code.

Additionally, that low-code platforms can produce technical debt, where the lack of control over the codebase results in bloated, inefficient applications. Agencies may end up with solutions that work fine initially but crumble under the weight of future upgrades or changes. Commercial systems built specifically with federal needs in mind avoid these pitfalls by providing flexibility without sacrificing reliability.

The Security Illusion: Low-Code as a Trojan Horse

One of the most dangerous myths of low-code platforms is that they handle security, so you don’t have to. But this couldn’t be further from the truth, especially when considering the sensitive nature of federal data. While these platforms offer out-of-the-box security features and authorizations, they can’t cover everything—particularly when applications are being developed by non-programmers who may not fully understand secure coding practices.

, low-code apps often leave vulnerabilities like SQL injections and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks unchecked. For federal agencies, the consequences of these vulnerabilities can be severe. If a breach occurs, the blame won’t fall on the low-code vendor—the agency will bear the brunt of reputational and legal fallout.

And it's not just cyberattacks that pose a risk. These platforms can bypass critical governance procedures essential for maintaining federal compliance. , the layers of failed customization attempts in low-code apps can create unmanageable back-ends, making it difficult to maintain security, compliance, and independence over time. This inflexibility in low-code security models makes it difficult for government agencies to effectively execute fundamental controls, such as separation of duties and user rights.

Vendor Lock-In: Turning Low-Code into Long-Term

Here’s another flip side to low-code’s agility and independence: vendor lock-in. By design, switching software becomes difficult and prohibitively expensive once you invest heavily in a low-code platform. The promise of low-code freedom quickly morphs into a long-term entrapment you can’t Houdini your way out of.

As your customization needs grow and the platform’s limitations become clearer, agencies find themselves shackled to a tool that no longer fits their evolving requirements. Low-code software's underlying “language” is proprietary information, bounding agencies to the software provider. This lock-in results in complete vendor dependency, driving up costs for future maintenance and enhancements that could have been avoided with a purpose-built, proven system.

Low-code’s magic might get you started, but it can just as quickly bind you to a solution that limits your future growth— leaving you stuck with the cost of shortcuts.

Scaling the Unscalable: When Low-Code Cracks Under Pressure

Federal agencies don’t deal with simple, one-off apps; they manage enterprise, mission-critical systems that need to scale reliably.

Consider the case of the Department of the Navy, which faced significant challenges with its low-code electronic procurement system (ePS) built on a popular low-code platform. , the Navy's ePS struggled with "overly complex solutions" and doubts about the low-code platform's maturity, leading to significant planning and scalability issues. Despite the promises of efficiency, low-code software often falters when applied to large-scale, enterprise-level federal needs.

Another Achilles' heel of low-code platforms is the lack of scalability that comes with trying to build enterprise-grade solutions on top of an architecture better suited for small one-off apps. Under heavy load, low-code-based software buckles. It is not uncommon that clients need to actively monitor processes to prevent traffic jams in the underlying system, requiring a support person to continuously "un-stick" the solution. This need for constant oversight makes the promised scalability of low-code more illusion than reality.

What begins as a seemingly sturdy structure—a tiny house of code—quickly collapses under the weight of federal-level demands. In contrast, purpose-built systems are designed from the ground up to meet federal requirements, offering the stability and scalability needed for mission-critical operations.

Accessibility Gaps: The Smoke and Mirrors of 508 Compliance

For federal agencies, adhering to is non-negotiable. This law ensures that electronic and information technology is accessible to people with disabilities, a critical requirement in any public-facing or internal government system. While low-code providers assert compliance with accessibility standards, the story isn’t as straightforward as it seems.

The low-code platform itself may meet accessibility requirements, but that doesn’t automatically extend to the applications built on it. Developers are still responsible for ensuring the software they create is 508-compliant. This becomes a significant issue in a low-code environment where the emphasis is on speed and simplicity, often leaving little room for the nuanced development practices that accessible design requires.

Agencies that assume their applications are fully compliant just because the underlying platform is, can expect to face unexpected accessibility gaps. Failing to meet these standards is a legal liability in a federal context. Systems designed with compliance baked in from the start provide agencies with confidence that accessibility isn’t overlooked.

Beyond the Illusion: Thoughtful Choices for Federal Agencies

Low-code platforms offer an enticing story—speed, ease, and agility. However, for federal agencies, the challenges are more nuanced and demanding. Behind the promised magic of low-code software lies a host of challenges that can undermine the foundations of secure, scalable, and flexible operations.

Before federal agencies dive headfirst into low-code solutions, they must carefully weigh the risks of trying to build enterprise-grade solutions on platforms that are not meant for such rigorous use. The promises of faster and cheaper can often come at a much higher long-term cost. Readily available purpose-built solutions offer the thoughtful, tailored approach federal agencies need—ensuring they get it right the first time is far more important than just getting it done fast.

When the magic fades, the thoughtful, strategic choices ultimately endure.

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